Saturday, September 27, 2008

A Lesson From Nature

Sunday night, as I was walking to church, I noticed a stalk of grass growing out of the pavement. Although it was not a new sight for me it did make me think. A few questions came to mind that I am still trying to answer. How did this tiny plant make it? Why hadn't other plants made it as well?

Looking down at the this botanical Houdini it was apparent that this little plant had overcome great obstacles. Its blades protruded from a gash in the pavement which was swollen like an infected cut. Some how this little plant had snaked up through dirt, gravel, and asphalt. It pushed past all opposition flinging its arms to the heavens in worship.

Another question occurred to me. Why do some people come through difficulty stronger for it and others never break through? This little plant made me wonder why this seed had overcome, when others had obviously failed. Why was I on a road, when the grass had demonstrated its ability to break up pavement?

There are so many lessons we can learn if we will just apply ourselves; if we will let our minds turn the thoughts over and over. I was encouraged to persevere. I was reminded that man can never truly tame nature, but must always seek to diligently subdue it with gentleness and care. I was inspired to allow God's glory motivate me to new heights.

1 comment:

  1. good insight. I believe you and Delia are a lot like that blade of grass. May God continue to bless you and your minsitry!
