Sunday, September 14, 2008

Atheism Remix Review

I finished R. Albert Mohler's Atheism Remix this morning. I found it to be a practical introduction into the movement known as the New Atheism, led by Richard Dawkins and others. Dr. Mohler explains the position of the New Atheists with straightforward precision. Their aggressive attacks on theism (belief in God) in general, and Christianity specifically, coupled with their mass appeal should compel believers to ready a defense against their empty claims.

Dr. Mohler's book is a helpful overview of the situation and concludes with a compelling challenge to be ready to engage those influenced by the New Atheists. He states, "the task is to articulate, communicate, and defend the Christian faith with intellectual integrity and evangelistic urgency. We must not assume that this task will be easy, and we must also refuse to withdraw from public debate and private conversation in light of this challenge" (pg. 107).

If you have heard the names Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris, and Christopher Hitchens, you need to read this book. If you haven't heard these names but have heard of such books as: Devil's Chaplain, The God Delusion, Darwin's Dangerous Idea, Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon, End of Faith, Letters to a Christian Nation, or God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything, then you need to read this book. If you have never heard about any of this, you really need to read this book. These authors and their books have spent weeks and months on best sellers lists.

1 Peter 3:15 calls believers to have a defense of their faith ready should anybody ask. This book is a helpful tool toward that defence. Dr. Mohler demonstrates the error of the New Atheists and approaches that are not helpful. I only wish he would have added another chapter that presented a model biblical defense.

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