Thursday, October 1, 2009

Don't Turn Away

"For the simple are killed by their turning away, and the complacency of fools destroys them" (Prov. 1:32).

Wisdom voices this warning to all those who would follow after folly. Death and destruction await those who turn from the path of wisdom. Wisdom in one sense is the art or skill of living life in a way that pleases the Lord. Thus, turning from wisdom is a one way ticket to destruction.

The warning hear focuses on simple-mindedness and complacency. The simple, that would be the intellectually immature, turn away from wisdom. They are gullible or naive and easily lead astray by their passions. They have to have what they want when they want it. Wisdom seems to difficult or boring to them so they ignore it, only to pay a high price in the end.

Complacency applies to those who are pleased with themselves. They ignore wisdom, because they can't imagine that they would need improvement. They are satisfied with the way things are. They think change is unnecessary because they are good enough.

However, Wisdom concludes that these mindsets are deadly. Simple-mindedness leads to death. Complacency leads to destruction. She compels the simple-minded to listen to reason. She seeks to shake the complacent from their stupor. Wisdom compels us to forsake simple-mindedness and complacency, and to embrace life.

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