Monday, October 13, 2008

Sermon Review 10-12-08

Sunday Morning: The sermon title was "Jesus-Greater than Moses" and the text was Hebrews 3:1-6. The author of Hebrews reminded us that of our need to focus our thoughts upon Jesus. He is the one who was sent by the Father to be our high priest. He is the one who reveals the grace and glory of God.

The author reminds us that Jesus was faithful like Moses, but then informs us that Jesus is worthy of greater honor than Moses. Jesus is like Moses in that both were rescued in infancy (Moses from the Nile, Jesus from Herod), both led a people out of slavery (Moses from Pharaoh, Jesus from sin and death), and both offered their lives for the sins of the people (Moses was rejected, Jesus was accepted). Moses was a faithful servant over the house of God, but Jesus is the faithful Son. Jesus is worthy of greater honor than Moses, because he made all things.

The author then goes on to explain that this "house" is the people of God, and we are that house "if we hold on to our courage and the hope of which we boast" (Heb 3:6). The author continually calls the people to perseverance in faith and faithfulness. He calls them to cling to Jesus, because their is salvation in no other. This passage serves as a helpful reminder to continually meditate on the sacrifice that Christ made on our behalf when he died in our place. It calls us to consider his gift in order to remain steadfast in our hope.

Sunday Night: We explored the expectations Monticello has for its membership. The expectations include attendance to all of our gatherings, systematic giving, and service. Monticello also expects members covenant together to seek unity in doctrine and practice while walking in obedience to the Lord. My prayer is that I can live up to these expectations. Father, grant me the ability to honor my covenant commitment. Make me the change I want to see, Amen.

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