Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Pennies from Heaven

I found a penny in the parking lot outside of work today. I was reminded of all the blessings that the Lord brings into my life. He has a thousand ways of blessing me, yet I seem to be oblivious to most of them. Every so often the veil is drawn back and I get to see how truly blessed I am.

I know that I rest in God's all-powerful, all-knowing, ever-present hands. He has complete control of my situation. But the most amazing truth is that he knows me, and yet he loves me. Kept safe in his sovereign grace I await his appearing.

I guess I feel like the penny. I realize that it was God who picked me up. He reached down into the muck and mire rescuing me. He could have abandoned me like someone had that forsaken penny, but he didn't.

I hope you have experienced God's love for yourself. I hope your eyes are open to the many blessing that God has poured out into your life. I pray you are grateful. Remember, it is more important to love the gift-giver than the gift. It is more appropriate to be grateful for the gift-er rather than the gift. Remember every good thing in our life is a gift sent down from God. Thank him for his grace. God Bless.

1 comment:

  1. You really do a great job of putting things into words. I always enjoy reading what you have to say.
