Friday, October 10, 2008

Certainty for Uncertain Times

Security is a difficult thing to find in this world. This current crisis on Wall Street is only a reminder that we live with constant uncertainty. I have a few suggestions to help get through uncertain times. First, trust the Lord. One of my all time favorite sayings is, "When you can't see God's hand trust his heart." We are only secure in the Lord. Second, remember we are only a vapor. What I mean is that our time is short. This reality means we have to make the most of every moment. We have to get our priorities right. Do you think when all of life is over we'll really care how much money we had left in the bank? Will we care if we were head honcho or how many promotions we had?

I think it was Cat Stevens who sang "The Cat's in the Cradle." It is a sad song about a man who sacrificed his son's childhood for advancement in the world only to find out that he would never have a relationship with his son. Opportunity had come and gone never to come again. Priorities should be given careful consideration. Long term rewards should be perferred and pursued over quick fixed and easy gain.

Next, avoid debt. If you have debt do whatever you can to get out of it. Iknow it is not easy to do, but careful planning and discipline can help. I am personally trying to live this advice right now as I work to eliminate debt. I am still working at developing planning skills and discipline. Plan for the future with a faith-filled hopefulness that God is in control. Give faithfully and systematically to the Lord through your local church.

Finally, remember that we are aliens in this world. As believers in Jesus Christ we are awaiting a better world. Christ will come and take us to be with him. Then all that will matter is what we have done in humble obedience to our Lord. When it seems the world around us is falling apart, remember our King is still on his throne.

1 comment:

  1. Amen! I so often remind myself and others, through this roller coaster of adoption, of just what you said-God is still on the throne!

    Isabella Faye's Mommy
