Thursday, November 12, 2009

An Excellent Wife Has a Bad Day

"An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, but she who brings shame is rottenness in his bones" (Prov. 12:4, ESV).

I wonder if Solomon's wife (any one of the 700 hundred he had) ever wrecked the family chariot . . . into Solomon's "classic" Chevy Chariot. I wonder how Solomon would have reacted.

When Delia, my excellent wife, called to tell me she had backed the family car into my prized pick-up, I was a bit surprised by my response.  My chief, and only concern, was to know if she and Sophia were all right.  The two vehicles became little more than metal and plastic to me.  As I began to contemplate the shift in my mind, I realized that God has been doing a work in my heart.  Throughout my childhood and adolecent years, I placed great value on things.  I became quite a packrat.  I still have boxes full of my childhood treasures.  Yet, my heart isn't with those things any more. My affection has gravitated toward the people in my life.

Jesus teaches us that people, not things, matter.  I'm not saying we shouldn't be good steward's off the things with which God has blessed us.  Instead, I am suggesting that we should keep everything in perspective.  People have eternal significance, but the stuff we have is going to be consumed by fire one day (2 Peter 3:11-12).  Invest your time and money in people and you will be wealthy.

While I plan on sending Delia to the Rain Man's School of Driving Excellence, it is only because I want to keep her around as long as possible.  As my wife and the mother of my children, she is my crown.  I am grateful to God for blessing me with Delia, and for watching over her and Sophia, especially today.  They could have been really hurt, but they weren't.  Cars and trucks can be fixed or replaced, but I only have one Delia and one Sophia.

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