Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sermon Review 4-5-09

Morning: We continued looking at the seven sayings of the cross. Today we focused on Luke 23:44-46. In this passage Jesus states, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." This expression teaches us at least two truths.

First it demonstrates that Jesus willingly died for our sins. He was not some helpless or hapless victim, we was a willing sacrifice. Jesus is (and always has been) eternally equal with the Father. We have to be careful that we don't confuse the distinctions in persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), with a division of essence, being, or will. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are not three gods, they are one in being, essence, and nature. However, the Father is not the Son nor the Spirit, the Son is not the Father nor the Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is not the Father nor the son. Three persons, one being. It was the Father's will to crush the Son for the sins of the world, but it was also the Son's will to be crushed.

Second, Jesus fully trusted that he would be accepted by the Father. There was no "hope so," no "maybe," and not even a "possibly." There was only a "Here is my Spirit." Jesus had confidence because he knew that he had completed the Father's will (perfectly), he had fulfilled the Scriptures, he trusted he would be raised to life, and that the Father would vindicate him.

We can have confidence in approaching the Father, if we come through the Son. The torn veil teaches us that Jesus has open the way into the presence of God, so that we may find the grace and mercy we need in times of trouble.

Evening: We marked up our Bibles tonight to prepare us for the task of Evangelism. Key passages were highlighted to simplify the task.

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