Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sermon Preview 4-26-09

Morning: We will begin a new series of sermons from the book of Hosea. Redeeming the Harlot Bride will look at how Christ is revealed in the life and ministry of Hosea the prophet and his marriage to Gomer the prostitute. The first sermon in the series, "Signs, Signs, Everywhere There's Signs," will come from Hosea 1:1-9. In this passage the prophet is called to take a harlot bride, and to give their children symbolic names. His life not only reflects the situation in Israel in his day, but it also reflects Christ's love for his church. This passage helps us to understand the thrust of the book. While Hosea's message deals primarily with Israel's adulterous (idolatrous) ways, it is set in contrast to the Lord's steadfast love. The true depth of the Israel's treason is seen as Hosea reflects on God's steadfast love.

Evening: At 5:00 p.m. we will have a VBS clinic. The clinic is meant to help us learn the music, movements, and message. This will be our first clinic and we will look at "Track 1: Peter Met Jesus" from John 1:35-42. I am still pray about what to do during Discipleship Training at 6:00 p.m. Please pray with me.

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