Friday, September 28, 2012

The Importance of Work

"In fact, when we were with you, this is what we commanded you: 'If anyone isn't willing to work, he should not eat'" (2 Thes. 3:10).

Paul is addressing an ongoing struggle within the church at Thessalonica. Some among them had refused to take responsibility and were living off their hardworking neighbors. Paul was encouraging the church to exercise tough love. It is important to help those in need, but we must make sure our help isn't enabling sinful behavior.

Work shouldn't be a nasty word or even a bad concept for Christians. As we work, we are imaging the Creator. God considers work a good thing, and so should we.

Let me make one point clear: not liking your job, may not be the same as not liking to work. You may have a job with a terrible work environment and lousy compensation. Look for a job more suited to your interests and abilities (God's totally okay with that). However, if you don't like to do anything, you have a bigger problem.

Notice Paul says that people who weren't "willing to work." This expression implies that there is a distinction between willingness and ability. There are some people who aren't able to hold a job, but then there are others who are unwilling.

When we work we imitate God. When we make something, we reflect our connection to our Creator. When we organize and categorize, we imitate the God who forms and fills.

Work is good because it keeps us from keeping other people from working. I like to goof off as much as the next person (and sometimes a bit more than the next person). But if I'm not careful, my failure to work, might mean someone else is distracted.

Work helps us provide for our loved ones. We have a responsibility, as believers, to care for our families. Work is a big part of meeting that responsibility.

Work also enables us to help other people. There are those who cannot help themselves, for one reason or another. We can't help them if we don't have some means.

Without work life lacks purpose. We weren't created to do nothing. We were created to do something.

The key is attitude. What sort of jobs to you enjoy? Do you feel content after a hard day's work? Or are you mad that you have to work at all? Paul, under the authority and inspiration of the Holy Spirit, says, "No work, no eat!" Do what you can for the glory of God, and rejoice in the opportunity that work gives you.

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