Saturday, September 15, 2012

Joy in Harmony

"How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony" (Ps. 133:1).

I was reminded of this verse today. I went to the first anniversary celebration of our local Hispanic Baptist Church, Luz y Vida. Although I don't speak much Spanish, I had wonderful time. The music was lively and festive and the food was wonderful. What struck me the most, was the fellowship. The members of Luz y Vida went out of their way to make us (my family and I) feel welcome, and to feel like we were a part of the celebration. I was amazed as this small congregation demonstrated great hospitality to its numerous guests.

Other Hispanic churches traveled from different places, some over an hour away. They wanted to celebrate this momentous occasion with the brothers and sisters at Luz y Vida. As I sat listening to the music, the prayers, and the preaching, I tried to piece together a picture from the words I understand. I don't speak Spanish. I have had nearly 15 years to learn it, but I haven't. It's fear I guess. I'm always afraid I am going to say something wrong, and people will laugh at me.

As I tried to understand the things going on around me, an image formed in my mind. I saw a great multitude gathered around the throne of God singing his praises. From somewhere in the midst of that multitude, I began to realize I didn't understand the words my neighbor's were singing, but I was singing along with them. I could feel the heart of their worship, and it resonated with my heart too. Maybe we'll all speak the same language in heaven. Delia thinks it will be Spanish. But maybe we will speak our different languages, yet understand each other in our own.

My heart if full as I think about joy and rejoicing I participated in today. David was right, it is pleasant when brothers dwell together in harmony. If you missed Luz y Vida's celebration this year, fear not. Lord willing you can make it next year. Pray that God will continue to bless their labors.

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