Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sunday Recap 9-2-12

Morning: The sermon, "Driven by Appetite," focused on Hebrews 12:16-17. In this passage, we are told not to be godless like Esau. Esau's life gives us a picture of godlessness.

1. Esau was sexually immoral. He married two Canaanite women, and then eventually married an Ishmaelite.

2. Esau was driven by his appetite. He willingly traded his inheritance for a bowl of stew. His hunger was more important that his birthright.

3. He didn't count the cost. Esau failed to take the economical and spiritual implications into account when he bartered away his birthright for some soup. His actions cut his family out of God's redemption story.

4. Esau's godlessness left him without any chance of forgiveness.

What do we do with this?

1. Don't harden your heart.

2. Repent and turn to Christ in faith.

3. Develop godliness.

Evening: Business meeting.

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