Saturday, July 17, 2010


"Slothfulness casts into a deep sleep, and an idle person will suffer hunger" (Prov. 19:15).

It is easy to make excuses when your lazy.  Solomon warns, "Slothfulness casts into a deep sleep."  There is a type of "tired" that accompanies laziness.  It isn't the same kind of tired that accompanies a hard day's work.  It isn't the same kind of tired that accompanies sleepless nights caring for a sick child.  It is the kind of "tired" that requires two naps to make it through the day.  It's the kind of tired that stays with you even when you haven't done anything in days.

Poverty accompanies laziness.  Not that all poor people are lazy, some work very hard.  Others have money, but are lazy.  Yet lazy people want and want, but never really get what they desire.

When we get comfortable with the routine of our life, there is a temptation to get lazy.  Once we have achieved our desired goals the tendency for some is to relax.  Solomon warns that this isn't wise.

Do you struggle with laziness?  How do you combat being lazy?

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