Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I Hate It When This Happens

Have you ever had one of those days where your mind doesn't want to seem to land?  Sometimes it feels as if my mind is being pulled in a thousand different directions. Today was one of those days.  My mind was filled with numerous good ideas.  Each idea wanted me to focus on it, to the exclusion of others, but none of them got the upper hand.

If I was smarter, I would have written them down (although not necessarily in any order).  By writing them down, I could have figured out which ones could be pushed aside until later, which ones needed immediate attention, and which ones could have been knocked out today.

Unfortunately, that idea didn't come until just a few minutes ago.  When my brain gets overloaded with options, my mind grinds to a halt.  Without a clearly set direction, I have a hard time focusing.  I call it "log jamming."  All of my thoughts jam together like a bunch of logs trying to pass through a narrow section of a river.  They pile up on me, and I can't seem to get things done.

Some of the best ideas, get pushed to the bottom (from which they never return).  My brain stays a fragment mess.  After I get so bogged down, it can take hours for me to defrag my mind.  

Maybe you can relate.  How do you handle "log jamming" of your brain?  What are some of the sure-fire methods that have helped you sort through your ideas and get more accomplished?  I would really like to hear from you.

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