Tuesday, July 20, 2010

As You Wish

If you have seen the movie, The Princess Bride, you are familiar with the characters Wesley and Buttercup.  If you haven't seen it, how did you discover the internet.  You should crawl out of your hole, and go buy a copy of it.  No, don' t rent it, you'll just wind up wanting to rent it again.  It's that funny.  All kidding aside, it is a great movie--you should see it.

Anyway, Wesley is a young farmhand who is deeply in love with his master's daughter, Buttercup.  Wesley reveals his love to Buttercup by simply responding to her orders with the expression, "As you wish."  In time, Buttercup realizes that Wesley loves her and she loves him.  It's a touching story, with a lot of humor thrown in.

I was reminded of the story this afternoon when Sophia asked for a peanut butter and marshmallow (cream) sandwich.  Yes, I am aware that they are probably not very "good" for you, but they taste really good.  So from time to time I make her one.

I realized, as I was making the sandwich, that I enjoy serving her.  I find my spirits lifted in the act of serving others.  As her father, my desire is to give her the desires of her heart.  Yet, I know that I cannot give into her every wish--like marshmallow or pizza for breakfast.  Nor can I give it to her every time she asks.

At times, I feel crushed by the urgent.  There is so much to do.  Then a little voice calls to me, "Daddy, can you play with me?" The temptation is to think that what I am doing is more important than play time, but much of the time it isn't.  She needs me to serve her in this way.

So at times, I smile, put my stuff to the side, and say, "As you wish."  Because I know one day, she'll understand it means, "I love you (more than me)."

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