Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sermon Recap 12-06-09

Morning:  The sermon, "Amazed By Grace," focused on Ephesians 3:1-13.  In this passage, Paul is exploring the grace of God that is demonstrated in his ministry.  Paul wants his readers to understand the mystery he proclaimed and his ministry, in light of the grace of God.  Paul informs his readers that the mystery of the gospel is that the Gentiles were co-heirs with Israel, members of the same body, and sharers in the promise of Jesus Christ.  Paul's ministry was to preach to the Gentiles to the unsearchable riches of Christ and make plain the mystery hidden for ages, all for purpose of making God's wisdom know through the heavenly realms.  Through the gospel proclaimed by Paul, we now have access to to the Father with freedom and confidence.

Evening: We had business meeting.

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