Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Praise the Lord

"Praise the Lord! Blessed it the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in his commandments" (Ps. 112:1).

The person who fears the Lord is blessed.  The second part of this statement suggests that fearing the Lord is the same as greatly delighting in his commands.  Those who dwell in the favor of the Lord delight in doing his will.  Those who delight in doing his will dwell in his favor.

The natural response to the reality of blessing should be praise. The Lord is infinitely worthy of praise.  Everyday he pours out blessings in abundance.  We should desire to make his name known both far and wide.  We should continually recite his works, on our behalves, to ourselves and others.

Psalm 112 expresses several ways in which we are blessed.  The righteous are perpetually fruitful (2-3).  They experience good (4-6).  They have no reason to fear for they will ultimately triumph (7-8).  They will frustrate their enemies (9-10).

The righteous experience a perpetual fruitfulness, because their faith is contagious.  They train their children to walk with the Lord, and often their children continue to walk with him.  Their children in turn teach their children and the pattern is perpetuated.  Often the righteous a blessed with more than enough, which they willingly share.  Because of their character, their memory influence future generations.

The experience good even in hardship.  Hardship comes to shape and mold, but it cannot destroy.   God tends carefully to us, so that we are not cast down.  The dark night may descend, but the Lord's grace will cause the morning to dawn on us.  Because God is good, good things come about in our lives.  Because good things happen to us, we do good to others.  Because we do good to others, God showers goodness in our lives.  He is the source of all good things.

When we fix our mind on the Lord, on his steadfast and trustworthy nature, we have no reason to fear, because nothing can overcome us.  Satan may besiege us.  Heartache set in.  Difficulties might come in droves.  But God still holds us.  He will not let us be plucked from his hand.  He will not let us slip out of it.  We are his, and he loves us dearly.

In the end, we will see the frustration of our enemies.  Those who rail against the cross of Christ, and who despise the gospel, want to see us pushed from the world, but they cannot overcome us.  They want fame, but the name above every name will one day appear in the clouds.  The want power, but Christ is coming with power.  They want wealth, but Jesus owns it all.  The wants of the wicked will come to nothing.

Our King be praised for his kingdom cannot be overthrown.  Our King be praised because he has caused us to triumph in Christ.  Our King be praised because he has showered us with good things.  Our King be praised because he has made us fruitful forever.  His name be praise.  Praise the Lord.

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