Friday, April 9, 2010

The Trouble with Anxiety

"Anxiety in a man's heart weights him down, but a good word makes him glad" (Prov. 12:25, ESV).

It is a dangerous thing to give into anxiety.  Anxiety strips the heart of its strength. It causes the colors of life to fade.  Anxiety forces us to fixate on potentialities.  We play games like "what-ifs" and "if-onlys," and in the end our time is wasted by the games we play.

Anxiety only makes sense in a world without a sovereign God.  Once we acknowledge that God is sovereign, we must realize he is in control.  Providence is a term that applies to the practical outworking of God's sovereignty within history.  When we speak of providence, we speak of God's unseen hand that moves history along toward the appointed consummation.

Anxiety suggests that we do not believe (trust) in God's sovereignty, or that we believe him to be in control, but untrustworthy.  Anxiety exists because we are unconvinced of God's ability to care for us, his willingness to help us, or both.

I need to say here that anxiety and concern, while related, are not the same thing.  We may be concerned with situation, because we cannot see all ends, yet still trust that God is in control.  However, anxiety is absence of trust.  The anxious person doesn't know how things will unfold, but they are certain it won't be good.

Friends, anxiety will weigh you down.  Put your trust in the Lord.  He has demonstrated that he is willing and able to save you.  Be still and know He is God.

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