Revelation 13 has been the source of speculation and fear for generations. Many have wonder who or what the sea beast and the earth beast are. I also wonder: are they individuals (the anti-Christ and his prophet), institutions (an anti-Christ government and its anti-Christ religion), or some combination of the two? I am not quite sure. I lean toward a combination, but I think only God knows.
But the identities of the beasts isn't what interests me. I noticed something as I was rereading this passage, that I am not sure I have noticed before. I noticed the little phrase: "It was allowed." The beast was granted permission to carry on its dirty work, but by who?
Did the dragon (Rev. 12) give it permission? No, the raging dragon doesn't give its minions permission, it commands them. Did the sea beast give it permission? No, the beast of the earth was acting in "all the authority" of the see beast (Rev. 13:12). Who then gives the earth beast permission to go about his wicked deeds?
Simply put, God allows the beast to do these wonders. You may be tempted to ask, "But, why?" I cannot hope to answer that definitively, because the Lord has not told us. What I know is that he is holy, just, and righteous. All of his decisions are infinitely wise and right. I know that in his mercy he can work all things to the good of those who love him and that are called according to his purposes (see Rom. 8:28). I know that he can bring about great good, for his people and his own glory, out of the most horrible circumstances.
Having said all of that, let me say, I don't care why he permits it. It doesn't concern me, because I know I can trust him, even when I don't understand him. What matters to me, is that he has the authority to permit it. To put it another way, Satan and his minions have no more power than God allows. In all of their worst, they cannot overrun God's authority. Let me be clear, God is not the author of sin, nor can he sin, nor be tempted to sin, but he can turn a sinful situation into a springboard for glory and good (think about the cross).
Tonight as I lay my head on my pillow, I will remind myself that God is in control. He is sovereign; I am not, but neither is the devil. The demonic realm may be powerful, but they are not in control. Let them rage all they want, God cannot be dethroned! If those demonic forces come against me to do me harm, they will do no more harm than he permits. When it is all over, I'll still be in the Lord's hands, safe and secure. There is an old hymn that brought me great comfort during our ordeal with Ellie. It's opening line says,
"Whate'er my God ordains is right, holy His will abideth.
I will be still whate'er He does, and follow where He guideth."
May the Lord grant us the strength to live with such trust. Whatever God ordains is right, his holiness guarantees it. Why fear the beasts, when you know the One who holds their leash? To God be the glory.
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