Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thoughts Concerning Noah's Ark

A children's song says, "Who built the Ark? Noah! Noah!, Who built the ark? Brother Noah built the ark."  It seems the story of the ark has left an indelible mark on the Christian imagination (as well as in the larger world).  It's not unusual to see toy arks filled pairs of animals poking their giant heads out of tiny windows. 

Now a group is claiming to have found Noah's Ark (like other groups before), and a lot of Christians are excited.  But skeptics are already disputing the claims.  This discovery and its rejection have a lot of people up in arms.  How should we respond?  Should we be excited that the "Ark" was discovered?  Should we be disappointed if it's a hoax?

Let me start by saying, I wasn't all that impressed by the news that Noah's Ark had been discovered.  First of all, it takes more than a 4,800 year old wooden structure trapped in ice to "prove" it was the Ark.  Second of all, we need to approach any so-called evidence with more scrutiny than anybody else.  Our faith doesn't rest on evidence.  Our faith rests in the God who has revealed himself through the Bible.

I believe that the story found in Genesis 6-9 actually reports historical fact.  I believe that one man and seven members of his family were spared, by the grace of God, from His judicious wrath.  I believe that the animals went into the ark, and that the world was covered with water.  But I don't believe it because because there is a drawer, a room, or a warehouse full of artifacts that support my belief.  I believe it because the inspired, infallible Word of God says it is true.  God cannot lie.

Don't misunderstand me, I do not believe blindly.  On the contrary, I, like the man in John 9, believe because once I was blind, but now I see (spiritually speaking).  God found me when I wasn't looking for him.  My dead heart was brought back to life, and faith sprang forth where there was once only doubt and disbelief. Although I still wrestle with doubt and fear, I am confident in God's Word.

His Word is truth, because He is Truth.  The Word is sufficient, because through it the Spirit brings life as he applies to the human heart.  Ephesians 2:1-3, tells us that we were once dead in our sins, but we have been made alive in Christ.  My faith, for it is mine, was a grace gift from God and I did not create it, nor do I sustain it.  God works faith, in and through me, by the indwelling presence of the Spirit.

Applying these principles to the current news stories surrounding Noah's Ark, I have no fears.  It would be cool if they found the ark, but it would "prove" anything to the skeptics.  For that matter, it would prove anything to believers.  It would simple confirm yet another aspect of the Bible's trustworthiness.

Put your unwavering trust in the Word of God, and then demand that any so-called evidences put forth to prove (or disprove) the Bible be put to the test.  And not just any test, but the most rigorous tests available.  Make sure they are backed up by independent sources.  Call for peer review, and multiple examinations.  Then and only then, give them some attention.  But remember, your faith will not be built by artifacts, rather it is built by reading, hearing, and obeying the Word of God.

Have they found the ark?  Maybe, but probably not.  Does that mean there wasn't an ark? No, definitely not.  Will the ever find the ark (for real)? Only God knows.  Can we really (really) trust his Word? YES! Without a doubt and without hesitation.  The most important thing we can do is look to the One whom the ark foreshadowed, Jesus.  Then like Noah coming into the ark, we must come to Christ in faith and flee the wrath that is coming.

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