Thursday, August 6, 2009

Eight Years and Counting

Yesterday, August 5th, was a special day. It was the eighth anniversary of my call to Monticello. A lot has happened in eight years. Several of our beloved members have gone on to be with the Lord. Most of the youth group that was here when I arrived has grown up and went off to school or work. Children I greeted in at the hospital right after they were born are now in elementary school. I have witnessed two additions to my own family, Ellie Grace, who is now with the Lord, and Sophia Hope. I earned a Masters of Divinity from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. We have been through dark days and bright days. We have had joyous celebrations and heartbreaking defeats.

I want to thank the members of Monticello for opening your hearts, lives, and homes to my family and me. You took a risk by calling a young, inexperienced pastor. You gave me a chance when many others wouldn't. You saw in me a leader you could follow, and you have graciously given me time to grow and develop as a pastor. You have continually carried me in prayer, forgiven my shortcomings, and blessed me with your friendship. We are family and I love you.

I look forward to serving with you in the great days ahead. I know there are still heart wrenching days to come. I know we'll endure many trials and attacks as Satan seeks to derail the work of God. But I also know that we will see many victories. The gospel means victory. As we proclaim the cross of Christ, we proclaim the defeat of Satan, sin, death, and Hell. All our enemies have been defeated, and through Christ we will overcome. As I think about all the opportunities that are coming our way (and there are a lot), I am excited. God is doing something wonderful in our midst. In Jesus, the days ahead are bright, indeed. May God bring his glory among us, and display it through us.

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