Time is a commodity that is easily wasted. We'll exchange it for money, for fame, for power, for amusement, or any number of other reasons, but once it is gone, it's gone. Are we redeeming the time that God has given us, or are we wasting it? How does one know if he is just wasting time, or using it wisely? To answer this question, one need wisdom.
To get wisdom one needs to seek the Lord. We must first ask, and then sit at his feet and listen. What I mean is that we must get into the Word, and I don't simply mean casually reading it. I mean diligent study, memorization, and meditation. When we are spiritually immature these tasks are often difficult and unpleasant, and they rarely yield the fruit anticipated.
As we persevere in these tasks they begin to transform the soil of our heart and mind. The fallen nature, or old man as it is often called, is an inhospitable soil lacking the proper nutrients for spiritual life. It isn't until the Holy Spirit brings new life (often called regeneration) that the Word can produce fruit in us. This is often a slow process as the Spirit "fertilizes" our new nature with the truths of the gospel.
He begins the process of shaping us into the image of the Son by the sanctifying work of the Word. In the early stages of our new life their is still much cultivation that must be done. There are all manner of weeds and stones of false doctrine and idolatry that must be removed. This is the process often referred to as sanctification.
Thus, the work we may initially find difficult and unpleasant in our spiritual immaturity, becomes a labor of love as we mature. As we mature, the difficulty doesn't necessarily decrease, as much as our ability to enjoy the difficult task increases. It is no longer a drudgery, but a delight, because as we mature we come to understand that these tasks are drawing closer and closer to our desired end--to be like Jesus. Thus, time spent studying the Word of God, in a desire to walk in obedience, is time well spent.
Work is noble. Fellowship is sweet. Rest is important. But, these things need not be done to the exclusion of studying God's Word. In fact, they are only rightly done when done in response to God's Word. His Word tells us how we should work, how to maintain sweet fellowship, and why rest is important. For this reason, we are told to do what we do for the glory of the Lord, but this kind of living can only happen where people are obeying the Word.
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