Thursday, May 28, 2009

Not by Bread

"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God" (Matt. 4:4).

Jesus quotes these words from Deuteronomy 8:3. These words express an important truth about how we are to live. We are to trust the Lord to sustain us by his Word. His Word is of greater daily necessity than bread. Bread stales, molds, and rots. God's Word is living and active, it provides life where it is believed, flourishing abundant life.

Bread will quench a nagging hunger, but only for a short time. The hunger will return, more bread will be necessary. The Word also quenches a hunger, but it continues to satisfy. The regenerate heart never has its "fill" of God's Word like a belly can have its fill of bread. Yet, it never lacks nourishment. Even as our appetite for God's Word grows, we find satisfaction in it.

Many people will endure all sorts of things for bread. For in it they find their security. Jesus says that we cannot place our hope in bread. Rather, we must anchor our hope securely in the Word of God. Bread may pass away, but the Word never will.

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