Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Glimpse of the Process

Do you ever have so much on your mind or so much to do that you don't know where to start? Sometimes it is like that for me when it comes to posting. Writer's block isn't always about not knowing what to write. Many times it is about not knowing where to start. I have two book reviews I want to write, and since I am reading a third book it will soon be three book reviews (unless I write the other two before I finish the third book). I have an ever growing list of books I want to read (which means that the list of reviews could get longer before it gets shorter).

Then there are a few situations in my life which are continuously on my mind. People and events play over and over in the theater of my mind. I analyze every frame to see if there was something I should have done different or in some cases I play out possible scenarios over what could happen if I did or said such-and-such. Although, I wouldn't speak about a person or situation on this blog in a way that would expose them to embarrassment, but I do think that hypothetical situations, not involving anyone I know personally, could be helpful resources for thinking through biblical principles.

Then there is the fruit of personal Bible study and reading. Often, I post on insights of this nature. Sometimes, a truth will hit me and I have to wrestle with it for awhile to make sure I have understood it correctly. These things tend to be harder to write about, because it is often difficult to get everything down into words.

I am trying to post every day. Some days it is a struggle to make it. Time and inspiration don't always meet at the same moment, but I will continue to try. Hopefully, this will help you get a glimpse of how I come up with posts (and why they don't always get posted in the a.m.).

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