Saturday, May 16, 2009

Responses to God

Have you ever been tempted to argue with God? Maybe you have felt that he has led you into a situation that is too difficult for you to handle. Or maybe you feel that what you have been called to do isn't worth your time. Several of the Lord's servants has faced this temptation.

Moses faced this temptation on the backside of the desert when the Lord called him to speak to Pharaoh. Moses stated that he wasn't able to speak good enough to earn a hearing. The Lord rebuked him by asking who made man's mouth. Since the Lord made the mouth, he can make it say what he desires (this reality is helpful to remember when thinking about the trustworthiness of Scripture).

Then there is Jonah. Jonah fled the will of the Lord, because he deemed it to gracious. He could stand the thought of some scumbag Ninevites receiving the mercy of the Lord. After a little persuasion from the Lord, Jonah completed his task. However, he was angry with the Lord. When the Lord asked him if his anger was righteous, all Jonah could say was, "Yes! And I wish I was dead." He despised the grace of God for those he deemed unworthy.

Jeremiah also comes to mind. When he received his prophetic calling he felt himself to be to young (or immature) for such a task. However, the Lord informed him that his calling was in place even before he was formed in the womb. He told Jeremiah to open his mouth trusting the Lord to fill it with the words to say.

Yet, there are other people who respond to "the call" without arguing with God. They willfully respond even if it will cost them everything. We can be encouraged in the fact that God will still use us even if we are the arguing kind. However, the it is better to surrender to his will quickly and without question. But this takes trust. We have to truly believe that he is able to work through us to accomplish his will.

We need to continually remind ourselves of his faithfulness by reading, studying, memorizing and meditating on the Scriptures. We need to remind ourselves of all that God has done in our lives. As we allow these truths strengthen our faith we will be ready to respond without hesitation whenever the Lord calls upon us. May the Lord shape our hearts to say with Isaiah, "Lord, here I am, send me!"

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