Morning: The sermon was entitled, "Behind the Curtain" and came from Hebrews 6:13-20. The author of Hebrews reminded us to be encouraged, "for it is impossible for God to lie." The author explained in this passage the great assurance we have as the inheritors of the promises of God. The promise spoken to Abraham, and fulfilled in Christ, are unbreakable. God demonstrates this by first making the promise and then by swearing an oath. The oath demonstrated God's solemn intention to keep the promise. That promise is the anchor for our soul, because it is unshakable and cannot be broken. That unshakable hope in the promise of God allows us to follow our Great High Priest, Jesus, behind the curtain into the Most Holy Place, into the very throne room of God to find the help we need to live for him. Jesus' atoning death secured for us a place in the presence of God. God cannot nor would he break his promise.
Evening: We zeroed in on the fallenness of man. Romans 5 discusses the entrance of sin into the world through Adam's rebellion, and the subsequent condemnation of his descendants. Romans 3:10-20 sketched a very dark picture of human nature leaving us to conclude there is none good, no not one. Ephesians 2:1-10 describes the human plight as being dead in transgressions and sin, and being by nature objects of wrath. The evidence of Scripture is that man is a fallen creature incapable of rescuing himself. The good news is good precisely because it presents the remedy to our situation. Man is dead and needs life. God in his grace extends to man life through faith in the gospel message. In order to fully appreciate the gospel, we must understand the depth of our sin and how far God went to remedy it. The brutality of the cross was because of the exceedingly sinfulness of sin.
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