Thursday, February 21, 2013

Finding Your Fit

"Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good" (1 Cor. 12:4-7).

This passage is part of a larger context dealing with spiritual gifts. Paul addressed a church that  struggled with divisive attitudes, and it appears they struggled with spiritual gifts, as well. In this passage, he is reminding us that every believer has a purpose in the kingdom of God.

The Spirit has given each of us a gift. In 1 Corinthians 12:8-10, Paul lists some of the spiritual gifts his audience had received. His point is that believers have a spiritual gift.

The Lord calls each of us to serve. Each of us has a place of unique service in the body of Christ.

God is at work in each of us. God enables us to use the gifts he has given us as we serve him. He empowers his people to work.

The gifts are for the common good. We are not to horde our spiritual gifts, but share them. We are to use them for the evangelizing of the lost, the edification of the saints, and the energizing of the lapsed.

Here are some of my observations concerning spiritual gifts:

1. Conversion must come before gifting. If we have not come to faith in Christ, there is no reason to look for a spiritual gift.

2. Look at the pattern: gift -- service -- energy. God gives us gifts, but we don't often recognize them until we gotten to work.

3. We must always remember the proper balance: unity through Christ, but diversity in gifting/service. We don't have to strive to be someone else.

4. Spiritual gifts aren't natural talents/abilities, but they may work with those talents and abilities.

5. Spiritual gifts are often connected with previous training or experience.

6. Spiritual gifts have practical purpose.

7. Spiritual gifts are usually discovered through working with others.

8. You have at least one spiritual gift.

9. You also have a job to do and God will enable you to do it.

10. You will probably be frightened the first few times you use you spiritual gifts, but you'll also enjoy it.

We were created to know God and reflect his glory. As new creatures in Christ, we are be renewed in the image of our Creator. When we look back on the things God has brought us through, we can get an idea of where he might be leading us. If we are living for the glory of God, we can rest in knowing he knew, from the beginning of time, where we would be at this very moment. He isn't shaping us to reflect someone else. He is shaping us to reflect himself.

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