Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Names of God the Spirit: Spirit of Truth

"But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come" (John 16:13, NIV).

In John 16:12-15, Jesus spoke of the Spirit as the Spirit of truth. Why does Jesus use the descriptor, "truth?" What is truth? George W. Knight spoke of two dimensions of truth of which people normally speak. The first way is to speak of something which "accords with reality." That is to say, that which is real is true. The second way to use truth is to speak of something "enduring or authentic." I think Jesus is using the name, "Spirit of Truth," to stress the Spirit's unique relationship to himself and the Father.

Jesus spoke of his teachings as truth in John 8:31-32. He went on to tell the crowd that the reason they didn't believe him is that they could receive the truth because they were the children of the devil (see John 8:31-59). Although Jesus doesn't use the term "spirit" to describe their relationship to the devil, he does state they live out the character of the devil. Thus we are either under the influence of the Spirit of truth or the spirit of lies.

Jesus told his disciples that  the Spirit of truth would teach them to bear his teaching. Apart from the work of the Spirit, it impossible for the world to bear with Jesus' teaching. For this reason, people have tried to redefine Jesus and his teaching from the beginning. When the Spirit of truth comes upon us, the truth becomes glorious and beautiful.

Jesus told his disciples that the Spirit of truth would guide them into all truth. How does the Spirit do that? He tells us what he has heard. When Jesus said this, he meant that he Spirit would report what Jesus had taught. We know that the Spirit moved in holy men of old to record the words and teachings of Christ. He guides us into truth by teaching us what Jesus said.

He also guides us into all truth by telling us what is to come. Some people wonder why new prophecies aren't coming about in our day (others believe they are, but that is a different post), but how easily we forget that the Spirit has already told us how it ends. He hasn't given it to us in fine detail, but he has given us the big picture (our side wins). I can't think of one place in Scripture where a believer is given the full plan. They are given a promise, and then they have to live each day in faith as they wait for its fulfillment.

The Spirit of truth guides us by making the things of Jesus known to us. Jesus says this not to brag, but to remind his followers that the Father has put all things into his power. The Spirit honors the Father by promoting the Son. The goal of this revelation is to glorify the Son. The Spirit reveals Christ not only to our intellect, but heart and soul. He isn't just teaching us about Jesus, but he is helping us to know the Jesus experientially and intimately.

By calling the Holy Spirit, "the Spirit of Truth," Jesus highlights the Spirit's inability to lie. The name reassures believers that the Spirit bears true witness. His word can be trusted. As the Spirit of truth shows us Christ, we can trust him with confidence. We he confirms his presence in our lives, we can rest easy.

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