Monday, November 19, 2012

Thanksgiving on the Mind

I'm thinking about turkey. And dressing. And pie. To be fair, I think about pie a lot. I'm thinking about family and friends. I'm thinking about fun and laughter. I think about laughter a lot, too.

I'm thinking about a young man, lost and confused. I'm thinking about darkness he passed through. I'm thinking about the Word that came alive one day, and brought living hope into his heart. I'm thinking about the light that has lit his path since that day.

I'm thinking about the Savior, who stepped out of heaven and into our world. I'm thinking about how he lived a righteous life. I'm think about how he laid down his life as an exchange for our lives--his righteousness in exchange for our guilt. I'm thinking about how he rose from the grave. I'm thinking about how he grants life to those who come to him.

I'm thinking about how my ancestors, all spread out throughout the world, had descendants who met in America. I'm thinking of how I'm the product of "The Melting Pot." I'm thinking that wouldn't have been possible without the hand of providence that brought the Pilgrims to Plymouth or the Native Americans to their aid. I'm thinking of all the events that had to happen to bring me to this point right now.

As I sit here thinking, my heart is moved to gratitude. I'm am thankful. I don't mean that I'm thankful in some generic sense--as if I'm saying: "To Whom it May Concern, Thank you!". No, I am thankful the God who made me, who redeemed me through the blood of Christ. I'm thankful to God, for all I am, for all I'm becoming.

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