Friday, November 30, 2012

Distinct from the World

". . . Behold, a people dwelling alone, and not counting itself among the nations!" (Num. 23:9, ESV).

Throughout the Scriptures, there is a sense of uniqueness surrounding the people of God. They are not viewed by God as being of the nations, but rather, they are his people-his precious possession. They are treasured in a unique way

In a similar way, the nations viewed God's people as outsiders. They weren't like the nations. Israel had different food laws, different holidays, and different lifestyles. They were distinct among the nations, and that distinction made them despised.

Believers are to live distinct from the world. It is like the old saying, "We are in the world, not of it." As followers of Christ, we do not belong to this world. We are pilgrims and sojourners. But while we are here, we are to live as ambassadors.

We must live as outposts of heaven. All of our actions must be carefully thought through. Foolishness and wickedness reflect poorly on our King. We must live faithfully so that he would be honored by those around us.

Dr. Seuss once said something to the affect, "Why do you want to fit in, when you were born to stand out." His words, while not necessarily spiritual, apply to our life in Christ. Why are we so desperate to have the approval of others?

God's people were born to stand out. They have been redeemed in order to bring glory to the Lord. The Maker and Creator of the world fashioned them, so that they might know him and be known by him. Live in such a way that others recognize Christ in you.

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