Monday, October 8, 2012

Successfully Becoming What You Want to Be

If you could be anything in the world, (this world--not some fantasy world, so you can't say something like "Batman," or "a dragon," or "a unicorn," or " a dragon rider," etc.) what would you be? Could you be the thing you want? Or are you lacking something that would make it possible? What do you lack? Is it money? Time? Physical ability? Intelligence? Could you make sacrifices and be what you want?

What if the formula of success was as simple as:

determination + hard work + perseverance

Simple, yet complicated you might say. When I say determination I mean the will and affections working in synergistic harmony. By hard work, I mean that one works with both intelligence and effort. Perseverance is the ability to bear up under a heavy load for a long time.

Simple, yet difficult. If something truly has value, it will be worth the price you pay in effort, time, and expense. Otherwise, you squandering your precious resources. So you have to ask:

What do I want to be?

Why do I want to be that?

What will it cost me to become it?

Is it worth the cost?

If you have made a thorough and honest assessment in answering the first three questions, then you can honestly answer the fourth question. If you answer in the affirmative, there is an additional question you need to answer.

What will it take to achieve?

A good analysis of the cost will go a long way in helping you answer this question. Cost is never simply about the money. It is the sacrifice of time, energy, sleep, missed moments, and other non-quantifiable costs. It's about losing who you are to become who you want to be.

If the thing you want to be is possible and worthy of pursuit, why aren't you pursuing it? Do you lack determination? That is are you're heart and mind divided on it? Are you unwilling to do the work? Do you lack the strength the persevere?

Pursue who you were made to be. I like what John Piper says, "God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in him." Make up your mind, get to work, and hang in there until you're living your dream.


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