Monday, October 15, 2012

Growing in Gratitude

Why me? Why do I have to have a headache right now? Isn't what I'm doing super important, why let a headache ruin that? These are the kind of whining questions I asked God earlier today. I have become so accustom to the blessings that flow in my life, that I despise any deviation from my routine. I act as if I am entitled to a trouble-free life.

In reality, who am I to complain? I am truly blessed. I was reminded of how blessed I am, as I strolled through the nursing home earlier tonight. I don't know what my future holds, but right now I my life is full blessing. Everywhere I look, I see another reason that I should be grateful.

I don't say this to boast. I say it because I am so frequently reminded of my ingratitude. I'm learning to be grateful for all the small things. The process is slow, and punctuated with failure on my part. Even when I do feel gratitude, I'm not always sure the best way to show it.

The good thing about gratitude, it is contagious. The more you begin to think about what you have been blessed with, the more you blessings you begin to see. The more you see, the more you begin to thank God for. The more you thank God, the more people begin to see God at work around them. They begin to see, and the process begins again.

I'm grateful for the growth I see in my life, even if I complain it isn't as much as I wanted. Growth is a sign of life. And that is worth giving thanks.

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