Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Pursuing Renewal

In the early stages of my Christian walk, I was introduced to the concept that there are two types of Christians: spiritual and carnal. Spiritual Christians would be those who have quiet times (or devotional times), they pray and study their Bibles, they witness to others and serve in some capacity. Carnal Christians who have asked Jesus into their hearts, but live to serve themselves.

The more I study Scripture, the less I find evidence for such concept. It is clear that there are immature Christians. Some believers develop at a slower pace than others, but they do develop. They may be more childish than childlike, but they still evidence being children of God.

Sometimes its difficult to escape thinking along the spiritual versus carnal divide. It is especially difficult when it feels like your given over to carnality. The flesh wages war against Spirit, and some days it feels easier to give into it. It is easier to give into the flesh. It is easier, but the cost is greater.

Carnality is willful rebellion against the Lord. The old expression was backsliding. A person who had previously grown in the faith, but then slipped back into sin was called a backslider. Many today debate the possibility and nature of backsliding, but I think the Bible presents it as a reality.

When we allow our hearts and minds to grow numb to the things of God, we put ourselves in a dangerous place. We allow the flesh to seduce us into believing the path of least resistance is the best way to travel. Yet in a believer's life, it is impossible to give into the flesh's seduction without resisting the Spirit's work. It takes sustained effort to quiet the Spirit's voice, and that is what makes it so dangerous. Every time we ignore the work of the Spirit in our lives, our hearts grow harder.

The good news applies to backsliders, too. If they will humble themselves and repent, they, too, can enjoy forgiveness and restoration. It is clear that God delights in showing his mercy to his children.

So where are you? Do you feel unspiritual? Has your faith plateaued? Or even begun to decline a little? You can keep moving in the direction you are headed in, but you won't like where it takes you. If you truly belong to the Lord, he will discipline you, eventually. Don't try his patience; don't test the Lord. Repent now, and he will begin restoring the joy of your salvation. Renewal, is right behind you, if you will only turn to receive it.

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