Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Watch Out!

In 2 John 7-11, John warns against allowing false teachers to gain ground. The church should be a place that is inhospitable to false doctrine and false teachers.

Second John 7, compels us to remember that deceivers are lurking about. John is speaking specifically about teachers who teach that Jesus didn't come in the flesh, but his words apply to other false teachers as well. False teachers not only deceive, but they also function as the antichrist. They are empowered and employed by the antichrist. They serve his ends.

For this reason, John compels his readers to keep themselves from being carried away by such doctrine. He points out the danger of doctrine that "runs ahead," or teaching that "does not" continue in the apostolic teaching. False teachers usually have some extra-biblical knowledge that gives them insights into deeper meaning hidden in the texts or opens all new texts to them. John says too much is at stake to be carried away by their false doctrines.

The only practical solution is to ignore unbiblical teaching. In fact, John encourages us to create an inhospitable environment for false teachers. We are not to let them into our homes or churches. He tells us not to even say, "Hello." People might see us speaking kindly to false teachers and assume that we agree with them.

This passage has a lot to say about how the church should respond to false teachers. Some of the implications for us are:

1. We must know the truth. We come to know the True and Living God though Jesus Christ the      Truth as the Spirit of Truth applies the Word of Truth to our hearts.

2. We must walk in the truth. It isn't enough to know it, we have to live it.

3. We must be vigilant. If we ever let our guard down, it could lead to grave consequences.

4. We must despise all false teaching. Although we should oppose all false teaching and false teachers, we must be gentle in our approach toward those who have been caught up in that teaching.

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