Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sunday Recap 12-12-10

Morning:  The sermon, "A Savior Was Born," looked at Luke 2:8-14.  In this passage, angels appear to shepherds during their night watch, and reveal good news of great joy. 

The shepherds respond to this heavenly visit in fear.  In fact, the angel's first words are, "Do not be afraid."  Why were the shepherds afraid?  Were they simply startled, shocked by the late night visit? No, they "feared a great fear."  They were afraid because the fear of the Lord shown around them.  They were in the presence of the holy, and they were terrified.

The angel's words are meant to calm their fear.  The angel explains that they don't need to fear because a Savior has been born who is Christ the Lord.  They didn't need to fear any longer, because God's solution to their unholiness had finally arrived.  They would be delivered from their sin, and be brought into fellowship with God.  Peace had come to them in the form of a baby wrapped in swaddling cloth.

The Savior is Christ the Lord.  What does Christ mean?  Like the Hebrew term Messiah, the Greek term Christ means Anointed.  In the Old Testament, there were three offices for which people were anointed: prophet, priest, and king.  Jesus was anointed a prophet. He spoke the Word of God.  Jesus was anointed a priest.  He sacrificed himself for the sins of the world.  He was anointed as a king.  Jesus claimed the throne of David.

The host of angels that appear after the proclamation of Jesus' birth demonstrate the right response to the news.  The right response is to glorify God.  God should be given the highest honor, because he has brought man peace in the person of Christ.  This holiday season, we need to remember we don't have to be afraid, because Savior was born.

Evening:  no services.

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