Saturday, September 19, 2009


My mind is drifting in a 1000 different directions.

I am thinking about people I love who are caught up in sin. They are throwing away their testimony, maybe even demonstrating that their testimony wasn't true. They would rather enjoy the pleasures of this world, than the treasures of the next.

I am thinking about people I love who are wounded and hurting. They have lost loved ones, their health, their future. They struggle in pain and darkness, wrestling with forces unseen, clinging desperately to their only hope, the Lord, but they feel their grip beginning to slip.

I am thinking about people I love who are spiritual blind. Many think they see with 20/20 vision, but they teeter ever closer to the edge of destruction. They don't know that they don't know, and it is destroying them. They desperately need the Lord to touch them and open their eyes.

I am thinking about the numerous ministry opportunities that are on the horizon. I am pondering the future and formulating a plan. I am thinking about the monumental scope of the task that stands before me.

I am thinking about giving up thinking. It is a tiring task that seems to yield little fruit to me. The field of my mind is crusted over by the searing heat of intellectual neglect. It is overgrown by the weeds of entertainment and amusement.

I am thinking about what I will preach tomorrow. I have several possible choices, but I have to narrow the field.

I am thinking about prayer, both its power and its limitations. I am thinking about prayers that have gone unanswered, and while I am grateful for some, others still hurt. I am thinking about the ones that God has chosen to answer, and I am amazed at his graciousness.

I am thinking about Jesus, and the reality that his grace is sufficient. It is sufficient, because it is abundant. He has never paid me to the penny, so to speak. Nor has he ever come up short. He has always given me, out of his grace and mercy, more than I could ever imagine, and most certainly more than I could ever deserve.

I am thinking about you, my reader. I am wondering if you are caught in sin. I am wondering if you are struggling through a dark time. I am wondering if you are spiritually blind. I am wondering what opportunities of service with which the Lord has blessed you. I am wondering if you are thinking about giving up thinking. I am wondering if you are going to be in a Sunday morning worship service somewhere. I am wondering if you are praying. I am wondering if you are resting in the sufficiency of Jesus. I want you to know that I love you, and I am praying that God would open your eyes and your hearts to understand the fullness of Christ's love for you. I am also praying he would allow you to rest confidently his sufficiency.

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