Thursday, September 17, 2009

Some Revival Principles

As I continue to think through revivals, I am beginning to see some underlying principles at work. Some of them that come to mind are:

1. Revival cannot be planned, but it can be earnestly sought after. I am not saying we shouldn't set aside time each year for special revival meetings, but without intense and earnest prayer revival will not come. God has given a prescription for revival (see 2 Chr. 7:14), and he will not send it until we obey.

2. Prayer should be incorporated into our planning. Not only should we pray for guidance concerning who should speak, who will lead the music, who will give testimonies, and the like, but we should also form prayer teams. If we will get a choir together for revival, we had better have a prayer "choir" as well. We should be praying for revival long before the meetings begin. We should have teams that meet and pray every week throughout the year, who pray for every sermon preached and every class taught leading up to revival. These small groups should have prayer meetings during the service, after the service, and during the services. This principle coincides with earnestly seeking the Lord.

3. It is almost always good stewardship to set aside time to hear God's Word faithfully proclaimed. In fact, the only time it wouldn't be is when those hearing the Word proclaimed are not trusting and obeying what they hear. Where people are earnestly seeking the Lord and praying with intensity, the preaching of the Word comes with power. Those who put the most into a service get the most out of it. In other words, if you are earnestly seeking the Lord, praying diligently for revival, and attending meetings where the Word is rightly proclaimed, you will not leave disappointed.

4. Revivals imply the need for repentance. When we say we need revival, we are admitting to ourselves and confessing to others that things are not right. True revival generates an atmosphere of humility and repentance. When revival comes sins are turned away from and confessed, Accountability and formative church discipline increase, and transparency becomes the norm. During a time of reviving from the Lord, people desire unity through faithful obedience to Christ and his Word.

5. True revival generates passion and compassion. When the Lord sends revival to his people it awakens in them a passion for his glory. They yearn to see him lifted up and praised by all of creation. They become bolder to speak of the Lord's work in their life. They are more grateful for the blessings they have received. They long to be near him and to be like him. As they draw closer to him, he begins to widen their hearts. They begin seeing the lost family members, friends, and neighbors as straying sheep in desperate need of a shepherd. They see the lost sinking down into death and earnestly desire to see them rescued.

This list isn't exhaustive. There may be other important principles that I have missed. Feel free to list other principles in your comments. When you think of revival what do you think of? How do you know if you have experienced revival?

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