It is an amazing thing to see what Southern Baptists can accomplish when they focus on the kingdom of Christ. I spent most of the day at the Southern Baptist Convention. During the two day meeting, the intities of the Convention give a report of their stewardship of Cooperative Program (CP) monies. Messengers, individuals appointed by their churches as representives, participate in setting the future direction of the Covention. Southern Baptists have the ability to express their hopes and fears.
While we get it right a lot of the time, we occassionally get side tracked on nonessential issues. However, the reigning atmosphere is unity of the essentials and charity with the rest. Historically, most of our battles were over big issues like the truthfulness of Scripture. But there is the occassional skermish over nonessential matter like which translation a person should use.
When the SBC is on track the Lord is exalted. I'm proud to be a Southern Baptist. Being a Southern Baptist allows me the opportunity to participate in kindlgdom work in numerous ways. I was trained by to Southern Baptist school: Clear Creek Baptist Bible College and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. I was ordained in a Southern
Baptist church. I got married in a Southern Baptist church. I pastor an Southern Baptist church. I feel indebted to the ongoing work of Southern Baptists in my life. It's exciting to be apart of something so God-sized.
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