Thursday, June 25, 2009


Believers need to guard against bitterness. Bitterness is easy to give in to and quick to consume. When I say bitterness I mean a prolonged deeply abiding anger that hardens the heart toward forgiveness and reconciliation. Bitterness is usually rooted in an unfulfilled expectation. The disappointment or hurt one feels over unfulfilled expectations often manifests itself in anger. Anger, when allowed to build, can quickly consume a person.

We have all known someone who loses all sense when they get angry. We may even be that person. Bitterness develops when we lose control of our anger and become fixated with revenge or apathy. Thus, bitterness often looks like a quest for revenge or a sour grapes mentality. The bitter person may wish to harm or destroy the offending party. They may just appear to give up with a shrug of their shoulders and "What does it matter?" kind of attitude. The telltale signs of bitterness are an abiding anger, an unforgiving spirit, and a loss of joy.

Bitterness is a grave sin. Jesus warned his disciples that if they didn't forgive, they wouldn't be forgiven. While I wouldn't want to suggest every bitter person is an unbeliever or that believers don't have seasons of struggling with bitterness, but bitterness points to an unregenerate heart. For that reason, we must guard against bitterness.

If you're struggling with bitterness, and you profess to know Lord Jesus, then bitterness must be repented of. We must be willing go confess it, turn from it, and extend to others the forgiveness we desire to receive.

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