Saturday, January 17, 2009

Daddy Duty

Yesterday I had Daddy duty. We don't call it baby sitting when mommy has to be out and daddy cares for Ms. Sophia. First of all, she's as much mine as she is Delia's. Second of all, the Lord has given me the responsibility of shepherding Sophia as the head of the household. Third of all, it was an opportunity to spend time playing with my little girl. She had daddy running here and running there. She likes it when I chase her. When I catch her, I give her kisses on the cheek and she giggles. Although it requires a lot of energy to chase her, I can't call it work. Her giggle just lifts my spirits.

It's hard to believe that we have been home over a week. The days are passing so fast. Sometimes I fear I am going to blink, and it will be her wedding day or college graduation and then she'll be moving to the next phase of life. Don't get me wrong, it isn't that I don't won't her to grow up. I just don't want to miss the important stuff. I am enjoying the days that God has given us, and I pray for many more. There is just so much happening that it would be easy to miss it or to miss out. Being a father is a calling that God has placed in my life. I realize that all my ability to minister is to be measured, in part, by my successes as a husband and father (see 1 Tim 3:4-5; Titus 1:6). I am prayerfully seeking to become the man God has called me to be.

Not all Daddy duty is fun. Sometimes, you have to change really dirty diapers. Sometimes, your precious children get hurt. Sometimes, your precious children rebel against you. Sometimes, you have to discipline them. Parenting is hardwork, when its done right. It requires diligence and vigilence; it requires a lifetime of love and care. There will be successes and failures, hardship and heartache, joy and laughter. The enormity of the task forces us to our knees in prayer, crying out to our heavenly Father for guidance, protection, assistance, forgiveness, and endurance. Our great hope is not in our ability to be good parents, but in the grace of God that enables us to be godly parents.

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