Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Brief Guide to Spiritual Warfare

What do you think about when you hear the expression, "Spiritual Warfare"? Typically, I think of demonic oppression and prayer. I know I should know better. Spiritual warfare is bigger than that. It is the spiritual conflict that underlies all human conflict.

Paul faced a lot of conflict. I wonder which conflicts he found the most disappointing. I think the conflict he faced with the church at Corinth would be one of his most trying. After patiently training them in the gospel they were still willing to reject him in favor of false teachers. It is a bit perplexing.

In 2 Corinthians 10:1-6, Paul addresses some of the accusations made against him, and defends his ministry. In doing so, he gives us a brief guide to spiritual warfare. He reminds us that we have divine power to tear down strongholds. Here are three rules to guide us:

Rule 1: Don't use the world's strategies. The world, or the powers that govern this world, use misdirection, pride, guilt, rage, etc. to fight God and his people. However, we are not to resort to those kind of tactics. Instead, we follow the example of Christ living in meekness and with patience. Meekness is not weakness. Patience is not cowardice. Spiritual conflict is all around us, but we can't adopt the world's way of waging war.

Rule 2: Don't use the world's weapons. What are the world's weapons? Violence, slander, lies, bribes, threats, self-promotion, etc. The world will use any means to accomplish the bad that it intends to do. However, we cannot do bad that good may come of it. We must use the weapons God has given us to combat our enemies. Those weapons include: the Truth, speaking the truth in love, the message of Christ, the knowledge of God, Scriptures, divine wisdom, prayer, humility, and holy conduct.

Rule 3: Don't let strongholds stand. What is a stronghold? It is a place of strength from which an enemy can strike. Going to bed angry can create a stronghold for the devil in our lives (see Eph. 4:25-28). Anything, even a church tradition, can become a stronghold if we aren't careful. To demolish strongholds, we must demolish every argument and pretense that sets itself in opposition to God.  We need to take every thought captive, and make it obedient to Christ. And we need to be ready to act.

The battle rages around us, even if we don't see it. We need to join the battle, but we have to do it God's way and with the tools God has given.

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