Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday Recap 4-3-11

Morning: The sermon, "Who Will You Serve?" explored Romans 6:15-23. In this passage, Paul reminds us that whoever we serve  is our master.

Paul warns us not to fall for sin's faulty logic (See Rom. 6:15-18). Sin would argue that because we are under grace and not under the law, that we are therefore free to do as we please. But Paul counters that with a hard dose of reality. The choice before us is always obedience to sin or obedience to God. One choice leads to death the other leads to life. Paul reminds the reader that although they were formerly slaves to sin, they are now obedient to the word, free from sin, and slaves to righteousness.

In Romans 6:19, Paul warns against misunderstanding his message. When he speaks of service to Christ as slavery, he isn't pushing a point by point comparison. He is using an image familiar to his audience the get his point across.  He reminds them of the similarity of the process: once they gave themselves over to sin, now they must give themselves over to righteousness.  He contrasts the product of the different paths. We only reap death when we serve sin, but when we serve Christ, we reap a harvest of holiness. Finally, he contrasts the payment. Sin pays the wages of death. God gives the gift of eternal life, through Jesus Christ, to those who follow him. We can't earn it, and yet he willingly gives it.

Paul's words should cause us to search our souls. We need to ask, "What fruit is in my life?" Do we have the fruit of righteousness that leads to holiness? Or do we only possess the fruit of sin, which leads to death? Then we need to ask, "Who will we serve?" We will either serve sin, or serve the Lord, but we can't serve both.

Evening: Business Meeting.

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