Monday, April 11, 2011

FAQs Mondays: What Went Wrong?

We looked at the beginning of human existence last week as we answered the question, "Where did it all begin?" You can read that post here. The image of a holy and happy humanity left us asking, "What went wrong?" This series of questions and answers help us to be able to answer the bigger question. Let's look at them now.

Did Adam and Eve stay holy and happy?

No; they sinned against God.

What is sin?

Sin is failing to do what God commands. Note: Sometimes, Sophia struggles with this wording. I will often say, "Sin is not doing what God tells us to do." She seems to be able to remember that answer more accurately.

What was the sin of our first parents?

Eating the forbidden fruit. Note: It was fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. You may want to add that information when working with older children. Also, I sometimes phrase the question as, "What was the sin of Adam and Eve?"

Why did they eat the forbidden fruit?

Because they did not believe what God had said. Note: This is another answer that we usually change. Sophia will answer, "They didn't believe what God told them."

Who tempted them to sin?

The devil tempted Eve, and she gave the fruit to Adam.

What happened to our first parents when they sinned?

Instead of being holy and happy, they became sinful and miserable. Note: Sometimes, I change "our first parents" to "Adam and Eve." This change proves less confusing to Sophia.

So we learn, through this series of questions and answers, that mankind rebelled against God's word. They chose to reject God's command, and became sinful and miserable. The trouble we witness within the human race has its beginning in the disobedience of Adam and Eve.

The realization that Adam and Eve brought sin into the world leaves us the another question. We must ask, "How did it effect the world?" That is to say, next week we will probe the way in which the sin of Adam and Eve impacted the rest of the world.  I hope you are being encouraged through this series, and I hope you keep following it. Feel free to leave a comment.

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