Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sermon Recap 2-27-11

Morning: The sermon was entitled, "Navigating Uncertain Waters," and focused on Ecclesiastes 11:1-6. In the passage, Solomon gives us some instruction on how to survive in uncertain times. He instructs us to:

1. Plan ahead. His instruction to "Cast your bread upon the waters," and "Give portions to seven, even eight" have been understood in to primary ways: as an encouragement to generosity or as an encouragement to industry. In other words, he is either instructing us to give generously (even if it feels like we are throwing our bread on the waters), or he is saying risk the investment and diversify your portfolio. Either way the "risk" is see to produce a desirable outcome: "and you will find them in many days." The spiritual application is that need to invest in the kingdom of God, try things that don't make us comfortable, and be willing to fail.  He demonstrates this in verses 3-4.

2. Do what you can do. There are many things that are out of our control. We can't make it rain, nor can we stop it from raining. We can't determine where a tree is going to fall. If we allow ourselves to be paralyzed by fear, we'll never do anything, and that would be a waste of life.

3. Don't lean on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5-6 expresses clearly what Solomon was trying to say in Ecclesiastes 11:5. There are so many things in this world that we don't understand. God's will is no exception. We have to commit ourselves to trust the Lord, especially when we can't seem to make sense of what is going on around us.

4. Work hard. Solomon says that we need to labor from sunup to sundown. We keep sharing, keep praying, and keep serving, because we don't know what efforts the Lord will use to bring about his glory. One project may fail, another succeed, or both might be used. We can't tell what will happen, so we can never give up.

Life can be filled with uncertain times. It may seem like we're a ship set adrift in turbulent waters, but in Christ we can navigate the way to safety. If we plan ahead, do what we can, trust the Lord, and work hard we will safely reach the goal--glorifying our Lord and Savior.

Evening: Foundations 13 focused on Exodus, Sinai, and the Wilderness Wanderings (Ex. 4:18-Num. 25:17; 1 Cor. 10:1-7).


  • Moses Returns to Egypt (Ex. 4:18-6:12)
  • Plagues (Ex. 7:14-12:30)
    • Passover (Ex. 11:1-12:30; 1 Cor. 5:7; Luke 22:1-21; John 1:29-35)
  • Exodus (Ex. 12:31-18:27; 1 Cor. 10:1-7)
    • Crossing of the Sea (Ex. 13:17-14:31)
    • Manna and Quail (Ex. 16:1-36; John 6:30-60)
    • Water from the Rock (Ex. 17:1-7)
Mt. Sinai
  • The Giving of the Law (Ex. 19:1-Num. 10:9)
    • The Ten Commandments (Ex. 19:1-20:21)
    •  Yahweh (Ex. 34:1-9)

Wilderness Wanderings

  • Trouble in the Camp (Num. 10:10-20:29)
  • Balaam (Num. 22L1-24:25; 2 Peter 2:15-16; Jude 11; Rev. 2:14)


  • God's plan A is to send a Redeemer. There is no plan B.
  • Hardship is part of the plan.
  • What hardens one, softens another.
  • Pride comes before a fall.
  • Obedience is better than sacrifice.
  • God will rescue his people.
  • God will judge sin, especially among his people.
  • The wrong decision could ruin your reputation.

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