Friday, September 24, 2010

Developing New Tastes

There are many things in the world that are unpleasant to do.  There may be several things within your own life that you don't enjoy doing.  Then tendency for many people is to put off unpleasant things, and to fill their time with things they enjoy.  Even good things, like reading or talking to a friend, can be used as a means of avoidance.

Sometimes, we might need to have a heart-to-heart talk with someone close to us, but find it easier to sit in the same room watching t.v.  Feelings, especially painful ones, are not pleasant to deal with.  This kind of "putting off" has a name, procrastination.

One of the best ways to deal with procrastination is to develop new tastes.  If you don't like doing something, like taking out the garbage, then you need to develop the habit of doing it.  Start your day by tackling at least one thing you don't enjoy.  In the case of the garbage, get into the habit of gathering it every day and taking it outside to the trash bin.  Never give yourself "the day off."  Stick with it until your day feels weird if you have to miss it.

Learn to overcome your knee-jerk reaction to unpleasantness, and you might find your day's more productive and your life less cluttered.  Sure, developing these habits might mean you miss a day or two of playing games on Facebook.  However, it may also mean that you find more time in your life to make lasting memories.

How do you deal with unpleasant tasks?  Are you a procrastinator?  Are you a recovering procrastinator with some great tips you can share?   I would love to hear some suggestions.

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