Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sunday Recap 3-17-13

Morning: The sermon, "Are You Washed?," focused on Hebrews 9:11-15. The author of Hebrews reminds us that Christ brings eternal redemption by his blood-once for all. The author of Hebrews wants his readers to realize Jesus represents a greater sacrifice and a great promise.

1. Jesus offered a greater sacrifice. His sacrifice was great because it was offered in a greater place. The earthly temple/tabernacle was patterned after the heavenly reality. Jesus entered the heavenly reality. Jesus' sacrifice has a better affect. The offering in the temple made a person externally clean. The offering could change their hearts. Jesus' sacrifice cleans the conscience.

What does it mean that it cleanses the conscience? It corrects it, so that it can see right and wrong. It transforms it, so it will desire right. It enables the conscience to desire God. Jesus' sacrifice frees the conscience to serve God.

2. Jesus represents a greater promise. The Old Covenant states, "Do these things and you will live." The New Covenant in Christ's blood states, "I died that you may live." The promise in an eternal inheritance. Believers have been ransomed. They are freed from sin.

Evening: The message, "The God Who Pursues," focused on Romans 8:29-30. Paul reminds us that it is God who pursues us.

God set his sights on you. He foreknows us--that is, he loved us before he formed us.

He has a plan for us. He wants us to be shaped in the image of Christ.

He pursues us to the end. He promises us that God will bring his work to completion in our lives.

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