Sunday, January 1, 2012

Sunday Recap 1-1-12

Morning: The sermon, "Don't Worry," explored Luke 12:22-34. In this passage, Jesus is commanding his followers to avoid worry. His simple, but profound, message focuses on two points: life is more than food and the body is more than clothes.

Jesus' first point, life is more than food, uses a raven to illustrate. What can the raven teach us? The raven is a scavenger, an unclean bird. Jesus uses it to illustrate God's care for even the most undesirable animals, so that he can then move from the raven to something much more valuable, human beings. Ravens don't sow or reap, they don't have storehouses, yet God cares for them. We learn that we have value beyond our ability to produce or possess.

As Jesus moves to his second point, he reminds us that worry doesn't change anything. It can't change the length of our life (positively), so it is a waste of time and energy. We have to stop worry before it consumes us.

Jesus' second point, the body is more than clothes, uses the lilies of the field to illustrate. What do the lilies teach us? If God puts so much interest in the beauty of a flower that fade, and is fuel for a fire, how much interest does he put in those who bear his image? We learn that our value, unlike "grass," doesn't fade.

Jesus warns against worry, because worry reveals a carnal mind.  The "pagan world" refers to the nations, that is the unconverted. Worry reveals a heart that doesn't really know God, and that doesn't truly trust him.

How do we change?

1. Consider the raven and the lilies. God has placed patterns and types through the natural world to point us to his glory and remind us of his faithfulness.

2. Seek the kingdom. Make the glory of God you top priority.

3. Realize that it pleased God to give you the kingdom. How did he give you the kingdom? Jesus purchased it with his blood.

4. Get rid of the possessions that own you. If you aren't free to share what you have, you are a slave to your possessions.

5. Shift your priorities. Set your heart on heaven.

Evening: We didn't have services.

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