Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Some Good News

Good news is hard to come by these days. In a 30 minute report, there seems to be a lifetime of bad news. We all yearn for good news. Throughout human history, humanity longs for good news. Mark tells us some good news in his Gospel. It's good news that centers on Jesus. In Mark 1:1-8, we see several reasons that message of Jesus is truly good news.

1. Jesus is the subject of the gospel (literally "good news"). The message is about Jesus. The narrative focuses on his person and work.

2. Jesus is God's Anointed. The term "Christ" or "Messiah" means anointed. In the Old Testament, there were three offices to which people were anointed: prophet, priest, and king. Until Jesus, no one had been all three. Jesus is Prophet, Priest, and King. As Prophet he reveals God to his people, as Priest he sacrificed himself to redeem God's people, and as King he reigns over God's kingdom.

3. His is the Son of God. This term stresses the unique relationship Jesus has to the Father. It demonstrates his divinity.

4. He is the subject of prophecy. Most scholars point out two prophecies in Mark 1:2-3, they are Malachi 3:1 and Isaiah 40:3. The Scriptures that Mark quotes are of the Lord speaking of himself, but as Mark quotes them they are the Father speaking to the Son. These, too, point to Jesus' divinity.

5. Jesus brings the offer of forgiveness to the repentant. If the message of Jesus' forerunner, John, was a call to repentance with a promise of forgiveness, it is logical to conclude that Jesus provides that forgiveness to those who turn to him.

6. Jesus baptizes with the Holy Spirit. John's baptism was important, but not eternal. John couldn't change a person's heart with water. However, Jesus can and does change a person's heart through the indwelling of the Spirit.

The message of Christ is life changing. It has the power to transform anyone who receives it in faith. I hope this good news is transforming your life, too.

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