Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunday Review 10-24-10

Morning: The sermon, "Striving Together," explored Ecclesiastes 4:4-16.  In this passage, Solomon talks of two types of striving he has witness, explains a better path, and offers a helpful warning. 

Solomon first identifies a striving to overcome others.  He describes a type of workaholism driven by envy.  The modern practice of keeping up with the Jones is an ancient problem.  Solomon says there are two wrong ways to approach envy. One way is to let it drive you to work yourself to death; the other way is to let say just forget it and never work again.  Solomon offers a better way: work, but enjoy life as well.

He also describes a striving for self-preservation.  He describes a man who is so discontent that he labors tirelessly.  This man is working in isolation.  Individual like this are striving to create a secure world.  In their push to create their own safety, the rob themselves of the very thing they are looking for.

The better way is summed us with the words "two are better than one."  There is a better return for two if they work together.  If they fall, they have someone to pick them up.  If they are cold, they have someone to warm them up.  If they together they can overpower an enemy.  We were created to live within community.

The help warning is this: there is no earthly kingdom that will last.  They will all eventually crumble.  Pursue your own kingdom at your own peril.

We had the opportunity to baptize two individuals this morning.  We are praising God for his mercy and grace.

Evening: The service tonight was part 6 of the Foundations class, "Setting the Stage."

The bulk of our time was spent looking at the Tower of Babel incident (Gen. 11:1-9).  Here are the principles:

1. Humanity tends toward self-worship.
2. God comes down to our level so that we may know him.
3. The confusion served as punishment and as protection.
4. Normally, ethnicity shape culture, and over time the two become linked.
5. Pentecost reverses Babel.  See Acts 2:1-12 and Ephesians 2:11-18.
6. In Christ, the gospel should shape culture, and the two should become inseparable.

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