Saturday, October 9, 2010


I often struggle with procrastination.  I know that I have written about it more than once, but it is a persistent problem.  I'm a relatively sure that I have vowed, on more than one occasion, to battle this debilitating fiend. Yet, I find that I easily slip right back into the same old habits.

Why do today, what can be done tomorrow?  At least, that is how the logic flows.  Why allow yourself to be inconvenienced unnecessarily when there is plenty of time to get to it.  I'm not even sure when or where I picked up that line of thinking.  Maybe it is just the way of the sinful human heart.  Maybe sloth is just the way (one of many) that sin affects my heart.

I have known for awhile that laziness is a weakness.  That knowledge has not produced the solution that I had hoped would be forthcoming.  The only solution for laziness is daily doses of strenuous labor (mental or physical), administered under the watchful eyes of those who will hold you accountable.  The process is further aided by scheduling and organizing.

Recently, I have turned my mind to the question: What one thing could I do to change my life for the better?  The usual suspects made their appearance.  I considered losing weight, praying more, reading more, etc.  But each suggested "fix" made me wonder if there was something more going on.  As I looked at problem area in my life, I realized that the root of most of my problems was laziness.

For one reason or another, I have allowed myself to become consumed by laziness.  It affects every area of my life: my health, my finances, my relationships, my studying, my job, my friendships.  It affects everything.

Sloth is a dragon that must be slain in my life.  Laziness is holding me hostage in clutches, keeping me from enjoying the freedom that is mine in Christ.  I am working on a plan that will liberate me from the clutches of laziness--hopefully forever.  I'm pulling together resources to help others who might be in the same boat as me. 

I would love the hear your ideas.  How do you combat laziness in your life?  What resources have motivated you to overcome laziness?  How have you kept from slipping back into laziness?  I'll be looking forward to your responses.

1 comment:

  1. I have been struggling with the same problem. My newfound desire to be closer to God has defenitely taken some discipline on my part. I've noticed the days I get up when the alarm goes off, do everything on my "wake-up" list I made before I went to bed(pray, exercise, shower, bible study/Coffee, pray...again) I tend to have more motivation to stay on track throughout the day. Likewise, the days I hit the snooze button or skip something on my list, I tend to be lax in other area during the day. With my household, one little snag can throw the whole day of schedule and it just gets worse. I read an article on "decluttering" your life...meaning not just getting rid of all that junk in your closet but all the mental clutter too. The main point it kept going back to was taking baby steps. That really does work. And mostly remember that this is a pattern that you have become accustom to over several years and it can't be undone in a day. Hope this helps. I'll pray for you and please do the same for me.
